WOD 5/28

A1. Push Press x2x5@RPE 8-9 2 min rest
A2. PVC Circuit (Pass thrus, Wide Rotations, Snatch Grip Rotations) x4  (During Rest)

4 Rounds
2min AMRAP
15 UB Wall Ball
15 UB Ring Rows
Rest 2:00
*Record Complete Rounds

Hip Clean Progression

EMOM alternating for 10:00
Even: 1-3 Hip/Hang Clean
Odd: 2 Ring Rows

5 Rounds
3 Front Rack Reverse Lunges
3 Deadlifts
3 Strict Press
200 M Run
*Weight used is recorded, FRR Lunge, DL and Press all the same weight.

“Of all the hazards, fear is the worst.” -Sam Snead


Foundations – AM
Toanna 7:03
Eric 6:52
Tineke 7:09
Silas 7:45
Lisa 7:58
Steve 6:56
Nathan 6:42
David 7:15
Maryhelen 8:13
Foundations – Noon
Anna 11:44
Esteban 8:50
Whitney 12:00
Stephanie 12:00
LuLu 11:29
Performance – AM
Gage 8
Mitch 6
Carlos 6
Gabi 5
Sissy 5
Kristi 6
Ballet 6
Michael P 6
Michele 5
Diana 4
Paddy 4
Mr. T 6
Ed 5
Jose 5
Jessie 6
John 4
Chaz 6
Kyle 6
Tow Matt 4
Rob 4
Ray 7
Ladies’ Class
Jenny 12:08
Mer 12:48
Kristan 12:38
Elorra 11:53
Caitlin 12:31
Performance – PM 
Amber 4
Andrew 4
John 6
Jonathon 4
Smitty 5
Gil 4
Dayna 7
J-Mo 6
Can2 6
Jessica 4
Heather 4
Pinky 8
AG 6
Melissa 6
Lori 5
Robert 4
David 6
LV 6
Meg 4
Leah 6
Kat 7
Steel 5
Chris 5
Michael 7
Jake 6
Jillian 6
C2 6
Liz 4
Adrian 4
KJ 6
Taylor 5
Phillip 6
Missy 5
Nicole 5
Evil 4