WOD 5/26

Kipping/Russian Lunge


Tabata Mash-up
Stick Jumps
Russian Swings (24K, 16K)

Imagination rules the world. -Napoleon Bonaparte

Read Your Labels

– No classes Memorial Day weekend Saturday May 29th, and Monday May 31st.
– New 12 Noon class starts June 6th Monday’s, Wednesdays, and Fridays!
– New Athletes Off Season Training Program starts June 6th.
Olympic Weightlifting 1 Day Seminar with Chad and Ursula June 27th

AM Results
Eddie 135 (20″, 16K)
Ainsley 142 (12″, 12K)
Rob 171 Rx
Chaz 166 Rx
Walker 209 Rx
Ariel 148 Rx
Steph 158 Rx
Tow Matt 148 Rx
On Ramp
Trey 5:43
Andre 5:03
Mike 6:05
PM Results
Mel 147 (12k)
Betsy 171 Rx
John D 143 Rx
Ryan 150 Rx
Patrick 203 Rx
G 168 Rx
Cat 163 (18″)
Anthony R 204 Rx
Winner 147 Rx
Blake Skill
Shanan Skill
Tasha 167 (12k)
Cari 171 (12k)
Jables 181 Rx
Kirk 212 Rx
Boone 241 Rx
Mark 100 (15lb, 18″)
Peter 152 Rx
Darlene 188 (18″, 12k)
Arnie 84 (20″, 16k)
Aubrey 165 Rx
Cara 163 (15lb)
Carissa 177 (12k)
Ali 172 (16k, 20″)
Jordan 160 (15lb, 18″)
On Ramp
LV 4:31
Tina 4:40
Nick 4:54