WOD 5/26

Buy In/Cash Out
Hip Bridges x10x3 @3023

A1. DB Snatch x3/arm x7 rest :30 (Try to increase from last week)
A2. :20 of Air Squats AFAP x7 rest :90


4 Rounds
:15 DB Thrusters (use a heavier weight)
:45 rest
:30 Row
:30 Rest
:45 Double Unders
1:15 Rest
*Thruster weight and reps recorded

If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. -Harry S. Truman

Kids getting weaker
*Post thoughts to comments

Murph Day 2011 is almost
here get signed-up!
– June 25th, CFA will be hosting Mark Sisson’s, author of “The Primal Blueprint”,  Primal Accelerated Success Training seminar.  Sign up
here to attend.

It’s a dancing sweat angel!!

AM Results
Dana 30 (15lb)
Meghan 21 (20lb)
Erica 29 (20lb)
Jes 13 (15lb)
Mike 39 (35lb)
MG Jenny 21 (20lb)
Melicious 28 (25lb)
9am 26 (40lb)
Kirk 37 (35lb)
Tall D 28 (30lb)
Teeny 32 (20lb)
Lana 29 (15lb)
Letty 32 (20lb)
Michael 35 (30lb)
Stephen 32 (35lb)
PM Results
Kristin 35 (25lb)
Sherman 38 (35lb)
Colleen 39 (15lb)
Nikki 36 (20lb)
Amy 19 (20lb)
Cat 27 (25lb)
Cody 24 (55lb)
Danny 26 (35lb)
Jeanette 21 (25lb)
Skipper 32 (30lb)
Debbie 23 (25lb)
Veronica 33 (15lb)
Huston 32 (30lb)
Darlene 32 (20lb)
On Ramp
Sanchez 5:34
Beast 4:16
Mac-a-roni 4:11
Drew 2:20
Courtney 3:26
Niki 4:10