WOD 5/3

Buy In/Cash Out
:60 Hollow Rock or Hold

Strength Workout
A. 1 RM in CGBP in 20 minutes
B1. RDL x8x3 @ 4111 rest 1:00
B2. Powell Raise x10-12/arm x3 rest 1:00
B3. DB Ext. Rot. x10-12/arm x3 rest 1:00

Beware the fury of a patient man. -John Dryden

Training Tips for expecting fathers
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-Another round of Olympic Lifting Classes starts this Thurday with Chad Vaughn.  Sign up Here
– Murph Day 2011 is here!

AM Results
Jerry M 2:06 (100lb)
Tow Matt S 205lb
Nick S 245lb
Mikey S 175lb
Carissa S 110lb
MG Jenny S 125lb
Stephen S 190lb
Melissa M 3:31 (15lb, Jump)
Mike M 3:27 (85lb, COB)
Chris S
PM Results
Cat S 115lbs
Sherman S 265lbs
Crash S 75lbs
G S 105lbs
Ryan M 3:26 (75lbs, COB)
Lance S 155lbs
Natalie S 90lbs
Allie S 95lbs
Walker M 3:17 (55lbs)
Tristy M 2:35 (55lbs, BB)
Betsy S 115lbs
Cody S 185lbs
AG S 215lbs
LG M 3:47 (35lbs, J)
Stephanie S 105lbs
Christy S 80lbs
Blake S 300lbs
Rookie S 205lbs
Anthony M 6:57 (55lbs, BB)
Sanjay S 125lbs
Snooki S 75lbs
Danielle S 70lbs
Kim M 3:17 (25lbs, J)
Young M 2:17 (75lbs, J)
Sleeves S 205lbs