WOD 5/31

Level Two
A. Deficit DLs @ 55-60% of DL x2x10 Rest :45
B1. Rolling DB Tricep Extensions x3x10 (heavy) Rest :30
B2. Sumo Box Squat x2x10 @ 50-60% Rest :30
B3. Kip CTB Pull-ups (fast) x2-3×10 @ 9-10 RPE rest :30

Cash Out
D1. Cross Chops x10/sidex3 Rest :30
D2. Pull Throughs x10x3 Rest :30

Level One (Day 9)

A1. Hip Snatch (Power or Full) x2x3
B1. Deadlift x3x3 Rest 1:00
B2. RPU/Dips x2-4×3 Rest 1:00
C1. Step-ups x5x3 Rest :45
C2. Kip Pull-ups x4-6 x3 Rest :45

Cash Out
Hamstring Stretch 1:00/side
Max Front Plank Hold

 Tip 352: Take DHA-Rich Fish Oil For a Healthier Gut: Make Your Brain Work Better Too
*Post thoughts to comments

“It’s not that I’m so smart , it’s just that I stay with problems longer .”
– Albert Einstein


  • Jog’N’Joe Running Group will meet on Tuesday and Thursday mornings with FREE coffee afterwards! Learn more here!
  • Murph Day is coming, so mark your calendars for June 16th! Learn more here!
  • Starting June 5th, Olympic Lifting Coach Chad Vaughn will begin offering Noon classes at CFA! Get in on the action here!
  • Level 3 Classes are coming to CFA.  Get ready for the 2013 CrossFit Games here!
  • CFA will have a Happy Hour on Wednesday, June 6th at 7pm at Little Woodrows in South Park Meadows.  Come out and meet and mingle with friends – new and old!
AM – Level 1
Caitlin S
Money S
AM – Level 2
Ivan S
Kristin S
Bryan S
Natalia S
Guthrie S
Doug S
Sparker S
Mego S
Leah S
Becky S
Big Spoon 72, 196 (Wed)
Kavi S
Tim S
Tow Matt S
Michael S
Can2 S
Dusty S
Paul S
Schittone S
Gabriel S
Irl S
Danimal S
Linda S
Gary S
Matt S
E-Rod S
Fro S
Mrs Fro S
Christina S
12P – Level 1 
Mike S
Marc S
Holly S
Amber S
PM – Level 2 
Crash S
Erin S
Kiehl S
Alex T S
Desiree S
Melissa R S
Cowboy S
Matthew S
Fernando S
Lane S
Two Toned S
Justin S
Greg S
Colleen S
Stacey S
Leigh S
Kristen S
Alex S
Brandon S
Wade S
Wood S
Raquel S
La Rosa S
Janice S
Nicole S
Liz G S
Elena S
Chaz S
PM – Level 1
Nancy S
Patti S
Jeanette S
Betsy S
Melissa S
German S
Crystal S
C2 S