WOD 5/31

**Active Recovery/Make up day** It’s Test Week!

A. 15:00 EMOM
Min 1: 8 Goblet Step-ups (Right use MB)
Min 2: 8 Goblet Step-ups (Left use MB)
Min 3: 3/arm SA OH Squats (Use KB or DB)
*box should be above knee height

B. Run 800 Meters @ 60-70% effort
Run 400 Meters  @ 80-85%


Run 800 Meters @ 60-70% effort
Run 400 Meters  @ 80-85%


Run 800 Meters @ 60-70% effort (Cool down, may need to be performed after class has finished)

*Alternate with a partner, this is not an all as fast as you can go effort the goal is to be consistent with the effort and leave enough in the tank to push hard on the last 400 m.


Thanks to everyone who came out for our Memorial Day WOD and thank you to ALL those who have served!

daniel memorial day