WOD 5/4

Buy In/Cash Out
:60 Hollow Hold or Rock

20 Minutes
Find 1 RM CGBP @3010
*Weight recorded


20 Minutes
Find 1 RM Power Clean
*Weight recorded


Tabata Mash-up
Lunges (in place not walking)
Abmat Sit-ups
*Total Reps Recorded

The secret of concentration is the secret of self-discovery.  You reach inside yourself to discover your personal resources, and what it takes to match them to the challenge. – Arnold Palmer

Living a life of No Regrets
*Post thoughts to comments

-Another round of Olympic Lifting Classes starts this Thurday with Chad Vaughn.  Sign up
– Murph Day 2011 is here!

AM Results
Mike 165lbs 225
Andrew 160lbs 135
Nick 185lbs 271
Erica 85lbs 163
Elizabeth 80lbs 191
Teeny 102lbs ?
Matt 170lbs


Tow Matt 10lbs Chin-up 174 (MOD)
MG Jenny 80lbs 91
Kim 45lbs 185
Ray 185lbs 216
Rob 225lbs 236 (MOD)
Letty 105lbs 169
Snooki 75lbs 213
J.J. 180lbs 194
Senator 165lbs 141
Ryan 195lbs 171
Clapper 235lbs 190
Veronica 65 151
Sherman 205 227
Cody 205 266
Tristy 115 247
G 115 202
David 225 215
Liz 160 197 (MOD)
Colleen 90 219
Crash 85 161
Stephanie 90 238
Tasha 75 214
Jables 95 212
Amy 80 143
Zoom 85 217
Cat 115 205
Jenny 25 120
Kristin 220
Jon 335 242
Winner 95 219
Boone 245 262
Stacey 135 ?
Kaz 165 212
Blake 205 236
Sleeves 225 265
Rookie 190 242
Carissa 125 255
Leigh 145 191
Debbie 100 146
Jenn 80 200ish
Danielle 85 241
Kavi 150 209
Schittone 160 209
Ryan 265 213
Ross 205 234