WOD 5/5

Buy In/Cash Out
:60 Hollow Hold or Rock

A1. DB Power Jerks x5x5 Rest :10 (Hold for 2 seconds at the top)
A2. Speed Ladder (2 feet hop, 2 feet run, 2 feet lateral) Rest 1:00
B1. :40 Handstand Hold or Push-up (@20×3 hardest scale possible) Rest :30
B2. 5-15 Strict KTE :30 Rest
C1. Unbroken Double Under Ladder 10-20-30-40-50 (you get 3 attempts at each set, if you succeed, move to the next volume) x5 Rest :30
C2. 5-15 Kipping Pulll-ups x5 Rest :30
*Post Pull-up Volume, KTE volume and best UB Double Under

Ambition can creep as well as soar. -Edmund Burke

Food Baggage
*Post thoughts to comment

– Another round of Olympic Lifting Classes starts TODAY with Chad Vaughn.  Sign up
– Muddy Buddy is coming up on May 14-15th.  If you are interested in participating, sign up here!!
– Murph Day 2011 is here!

AM Results
Erica 5 (KTC) Skill 10
Tow Matt 5 5 (MOD)
MGJ 5 SKill Skill
Walker 10 10 10
Jables 5 (KTC) Skill 30
Melicious 5 (KTC) Skill 20
Kristin 5 5 ?
Colleen 5 (KTC) SKill ?
Ally 5 (KTC) SKill ?
Kim 5 (KTC) Skill ?
Michael 5 5 ?
PM Results
Clapper 5 (KTC) S 9
Heather 5 (KTC) S 10
Jesse 5 (KTC) S 3
Betsy 5 5 50
Amy 5 (KTC) S 0
Jon 10 5 10
Elena 5 (KTC) S S
Winner 5 (KTC) S 3
Leigh 10 10 50
Stacey MOD
Ross 5 (KTC) S 7
Mikey 5 (KTC) S 30
Young 5 S 39
Randy 5 (KTC) S 2
Veronica 5 (KTC) S 2
Skipper 10 10 9
AG 5 10 8
Danielle 5 (KTC) S 0
Kavi 5 (KTC) 6 3
Sleeves 10 10 47