WOD 5/8
Peformance (Level 2)
A. 10 Rounds
0:15 Airdyne @100% effort
1:45 Rest
B. Ab Circuit
Foundations (Level 1)
Hip Snatch Progression
A. Hip Power Snatch x1-3 x 5
B. 4 Rounds
10 Wall Ball
5 Box Jumps
200 M Run
Rest 1:00
Pull-Up May- Week One: The Hollow Position
*Post thoughts to comments
“It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up.” – Babe Ruth
AM – Foundations(L1) | |
Emily | |
Tineke | |
Eric | |
Diana | |
Red | |
Marissa | |
Jose | |
Erin | |
AM – Performance (L2) | |
Ebelia | |
Rulin | |
Janice | |
Kara | |
Sissy | |
Carlos | |
Lee | |
Michael | |
Sarah | |
Jillian | |
Jessie | |
Ed | |
Ismael | |
JJ | |
Ballet | |
Noon – Performance (L2) | |
Dixie | |
Spencer | |
Josie | |
G-Raff | |
Kiehler | |
John | |
Christopher | |
Avtar | |
Jables | |
Buck | |
Miller Time | |
Gil | |
Zane | |
Veronica |