WOD 6/1

10 Rounds
:30 Double Unders
:30 Rest


4 Rounds
1:00 Row @ 80% Effort
1:00 Rest
1:00 Russian Step-ups
1:00 Rest
1:00 V-Ups
1:00 Rest

I am Large, I contain multitudes – Walt Whitman
*Post thoughts to comments

-Free YOGA classes coming to CFA!  Starting Sunday, June 5th at 4:00pm, one of our very own will be hosting a Yoga class at CFA.  Sign up
here to find out who the mystery Yogi is!
– Murph Day 2011 is almost
here get signed-up!
– June 25th, CFA will be hosting Mark Sisson’s, author of “The Primal Blueprint”,  Primal Accelerated Success Training seminar.  Sign up
here to attend.

AM Results
Rnd 1 Rnd 2 Rnd 3 Rnd 4 Avg
Mego 195 209 196 206 201.5
Mike 298 324 315 327 316
Steven 297 282 319 312 302.5
Erica 241 248 242 242 243.3
Kirk 299 299 296 296 297.5
Elizabeth 247 253 237 249 246.5
9am 270 265 268 274 269.3
Chaz 323 334 326 333 329
Melicous 256 262 262 264 261
Matthew 302 286 297 326 302.8
Rob 270 278 278 282 277
Blake 297 298 298 296 297.3
Sam 262 261 276 282 270.3
Anthony 270 270 262 262 266
Ginger 235 227 235 241 234.6
Snooki 202 199 205 201 201.8
Coy 246 245 246 251 247
Ray 240 244 244 248 244
Colleen 275 270 250 252 261.8
Peter 340 296 290 260 296.5
Ryan 339 309 309 308 316.3
Jables 316 284 275 265 285
Senator 266 270 271 285 273
Jesse 274 270 270 265 269.8
Melody 191 239 224 213 216.8
Emily 224 216 223 228 222.8
Stephen 266 267 273 252 264.5
Zoom ? 224 226 224 224.7
PM Results
Danny 324 297 282 301
Kristen 248 231 237 240
Tristy 297 291 292 282
Stephanie 248 247 246 253
Fro 290 311 302 311
Nikki 265 270 256 271
G. 217 215 215 217
Sherman 259 278 265 271
Jon 274 297 286 286
Boone 318 317 322 322
Jeanette 227 230 242 242
Geno 311 317 316 319
Tom 299 280 290 300
Schittone 294 271 250 274
Ross 314 291 279 291
Randy 248 227 224 217
Jesse 275 280 282 288
Chrissy 245 245 236 245
Ryan 259 271
Aubrey 256 263 266 261
Prince 271 277 278 277
Kristie 224 221 223 224
Liz 279 293 288 290
Megan 239 244 241 253
Kavi 302 289 290 288
Huston 301 296 300 302
Jes 272 249 228 247
Lana 245 238 241 228
On Ramp
Julia 5:12
Courtney 4:15
Niki 4:28
Sanchez 4:10