WOD 6/15

All Levels
A1. Hanging Russian Hamstrings x6/leg x4 Rest :45
A2. American KB Swings x8x4 Rest :45
A3. Hip Power Clean x3x4 @ RPE 7 Rest :45

3 Rounds
5 Deadlifts (185,135)
500m Row (Max Effort)
Rest 3:00
*Record Best Round

Cooking Time-Wasters You Should Toss in the Garbage Bowl
*Post thoughts to comments”

“Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.” – Jim Rohn


  • Have you donated? Murph Day is in TOMORROW! Join us Saturday for an awesome cause and WOD! Learn more here!
  • Following Murph Day (6/16), CFA will be hosting a Paleo Potluck Fundraiser to help Darlene go to the Games in Cali! Learn more here!

AM – All Levels
Pam 2:44
Natalia 2:45
Guthrie 1:59
Ivan 1:54
Jo 2:24
Paiman 2:37
9AM 2:16
Caitlin 2:34
Caitlyn 2:30
Valyn 2:52
Michele 2:52
Ballet 2:14
Todd 2:01
Natalie 2:39
Nicole 2:27
German 2:23
Linda 2:49
Wade 2:08
E-Rod 2:47
Randy 2:42
Colleen 2:30
James 2:11
Suzi 2:32
Jenny 2:32
MT 2:16
Russell 2:08
Michelle 2:30
12P – All Levels
Odindu 1:50
Ashley 2:09
Murray 2:07
Jenna 2:15
Gabriel 1:47
Desiree 2:10
Angela 2:08
Jennifer 2:20