WOD 6/20
5 Rounds
:90 Row AFAP
3:00 Active Rest
*During rest, do 6-8 Ring Rows as horizontal as possible and 6-8 V-ups
*Avg. meters recorded
4 Rounds
:60 Airdyne Sprint AFAP
3:00 Active Rest
*During rest, do 6-8 Toes to Bar
*Avg. calories recorded
Courage and perseverance have a magical talisman, before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish into air. -John Quincy Adams
Sleep Plan
*Post thoughts to comments
– June 23rd is HAPPY HOUR at Little Woodrows at 7:00pm for Steak Night!
– June 25th, CFA will be hosting Mark Sisson’s, author of “The Primal Blueprint”, Primal Accelerated Success Training seminar. Sign up here to attend.
– Livestrong Fundraiser and WOD in honor of Colleen Legge’s 5 year cancer-versary! Go here to donate and participate, and reserve your time slot here!
CONGRATS to Team CFA for taking 7th Place in the South Central Regional CrossFit Competiton!!! Each athlete put for more heart and soul than ever could have been asked!! We are so proud of each of you…Nick, Wes, Shane, Stacey, Betsy and Leigh (not pictured: Sleeves & Carissa)!!! You kicked butt!!!
AM Results | |
Avg. Meters | |
Beast | 363.4 |
Big Shug | 384.4 |
Mego | 280.4 |
MG Jenny | 337.4 |
Andrea | 342.8 |
Dana | 335 |
Ginger | 336 |
Tall “D” | 390 |
Chaz | 446 |
Matthew | 426 |
Kirk | 418 |
Ray | 400 |
Senator | 402 |
Melicious | 391 |
Collin | 433.6 |
Steven | 160 |
Rob | 427.4 |
Tow Matt | 423.8 |
Anthony | 359.2 |
Noon | |
Fro | 411.4 |
Jesse | 375.4 |
Ryan | 420.4 |
Tony | 415.4 |
Peter | 408.6 |
Cody | 442.4 |
PM Results | |
Randy | 363.6 |
Colleen | 390.4 |
“G” | 362.2 |
Chappy | 338 |
Boone | 452 |
Danny | 420 |
Tasha | 376 |
Jon | 419 |
Blake | 430 |
Winner | 358 |
Jeanette | 354 |
Geno | 458 |
Elena | 291 |
Kaz | 446 |
Liz | 391.8 |
Jesse | 443 |
Sanchez | 409 |
Courtney | 359 |
Dain | 419 |
Jennifer | 345 |
Prince | 393 |
Kristie | 352 |
Lance | 423 |
LG | |
Aubrey | 381 |
Debbie | 330 |
Schittone | 340.6 |
Megan | 355.4 |
Huston | 439.2 |
Danielle | 369.8 |
Kristen | 366 |
On Ramp | |
Mark | 8:52 |
Tariq | 10:15 (15-12) |
Kristen | 11:43 |
John | 12:31 |