WOD 6/22

Performance  Week 6 of 8 Power / Lactate Endurance
Partner WOD (Teams of 2)  Obstacle Course
2 Rounds
100m MB Relay over Barrier
20 Partner Alternating Deadlift total (Games Standard) 3 Burpee Penalty per no rep
15 Pull ups for each partner
50 Partner Alternating Wall Ball (3 burpee Penalty per drop ball)
Rest will be built in with Heats (approx. 6-10 mins)
*Record fastest round
*MB Relay over barriers. Cone off Front Parking lot. 3 Lanes, 3 barriers made by 3 boxes across. 1 Partner performs down and back at a time. MB has to touch 50m line. Athletes have to have at least one hand on the box as they clear the barriers.
*Bars  are set for Deadlift before heats begin. Games Standard= hips and knees reach full extension with the shoulders behind the bar. The arms must be straight throughout.
*Pull ups, each partner working at the same time
*Partner Alternating Wall Ball = Partners switch in and out without dropping ball

 “Notice that the stiffest tree is most easily cracked, while the bamboo or willow survives by bending with the wind.” -Bruce Lee
