WOD 6/24

Performance – Week 7 of 8 Power / Lactate Endurance Week
EMOM for 10:00
1 Power Snatch @75%
10 DU

6 Rounds
Row 150m@95%
8 Burpees AFAP
2 min Rest
*Record time

Wall Balls

A1. Strict Pull-ups x3x5
A2. Wall Balls x6x5
B. 1 Mile Time Trial
2 Rounds
:90 Front Planks
10 Single Leg Hip Extensions /leg

Exercise turns on the good stuff 

“Good players inspire themselves. Great players inspire others.” – Unknown


The ageless wonder at it again!

Foundations – AM
Humberto 10:30
Monica 13:26
Toanna 8:01
Zach 9:55
Silas 7:30 row
Michele 6:04 row
Laila 9:46
Nathan 6:13
Nelly 10:14
Performance – AM
Mego 17:24
Ruth 17:02
Eileen 18:07
Sissy 17:53
Gabi 15:07
Ken 16:20
Mitch 15:57
Eric 16:27
Jeff 15:23
Ian 14:50
Big Spoon 15:23
Todd 14:50
Ruhlin 15:40
Carlos 15:26
Red 16:50
Jillian 15:48
Page 15:30
Ballet 15:24
Jose 15:00
Ed 15:49
Brian 15:56
Gwar 15:55
Michele 17:25
Eileen X 16:51
Pat 15:12
Ray 14:59
 Performance – Noon
 Eric 16:05
 Dayna 15:07
 Mer 17:30
 Ginny 16:54
 Tineke 16:54
 Josie 17:11
 KT 17:52
 Foundations – PM
Amanda 8:53
Ed 11:43
Matt 8:58
Lulu 11:21
Sean 7:38
Betsy 8:32
Kellie 8:25
Ben 9:05
Crystal 9:30
Max 9:35
Chase 6:22
Sindy 11:58
Lauren 10:21
Paul 7:29
Cassie 9:03
Grant 9:55
Performance – PM
Jeff 15:37
Boone 15:09
David 16:10
Sean 15:22
J-Mo 17:24
Gabriel 17:50
Kat 16:16
Jeri 16:32
Kyan 16:48
Jake 14:46
AG 15:17
Kristin 17:15
Bradley 16:30
Coco 17:22
Shug 17:50
KJ 16:20
MJ 16:42
Missy 14:50
Mr. T 15:42
Lane 15:50
J-Rod 16:00
Dinorah 15:43
Chris 17:15
Sanchez 15:24
Can2 15:52