WOD 6/24

Weekly Buy In/ Cash out
Sorenson Hold 2:00 and/or, :90/Side Side Plank Holds
2 Rounds double tennis ball Thoracic Mobility Drill

Skill Work:
Cleans, and Kip Swings


In 30 Minutes
4 x 400 Repeats, Full Recovery between attempts

Do I need to be in shape?

If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking. -George S. Patton

CrossFit Total Day Saturday June 26th don’t forget to sign up for your timeslot!
Olympic Weightlifting 1 Day Seminar with Chad and Ursula June 27th
2nd Annual Murph Day July 3rd sign up for your timelot HERE.

AM Results        
  1 2 3 4
Kirk 1:18 1:18 1:19 1:20
Chaz 1:28 1:25 1:25 1:26
Eddie 1:39 1:35 1:37 1:40
Trey 1:26 1:23 1:26 1:24
Ray 1:27 1:24 1:23 1:22
Charlie 1:07 1:06 1:06 1:10
Walker 1:37 1:35 1:37 1:39
Kristin CF Mom    
Boone 1:06 1:06 1:07 1:07
Ali 1:38 1:43 1:39 1:38
Liz 2:20 2:16 2:17 2:09
Ainsley 2:02 2:01 2:05 1:57
PM Results        
Patrick 1:16 1:18 1:27 1:29
John 1:22 1:19 1:19 1:20
“G” 1:32 1:31 1:35 1:37
 Skittone  1:40 1:37  1:37 1:34 
 Dave  1:18 1:21 1:29  1:28 
 Mark  2:01 2:01 1:58  2:00 
Sleeves 1:11 1:11 1:10 1:10
L.V. 1:25 1:22 1:24 1:24
Alex 1:18 1:17 1:23 1:18
On Ramp        
Kristin, Crash &Megan 11:44      
Ryan & Zoom 9:44