WOD 6/28

All Levels
For Time:
250m Row
10 Box Jumps

Rest 5 min

For time:
KB Swings (24K, 16K)
Push ups
V- ups

Rest 5 min

For Time:
300m Run
10 Box Jumps
*Record time for each workout

“Adversity causes some men to break, and others to break records.” -Unknown


Thank you to our Ninja Warrior, Nicholas, for the awesome poster he made!! Great work, Nicholas!


All Levels – AM
Janice 1:43 5:52 1:55
Kara 1:41 4:29 1:37
Eileen 1:53 5:40 3:05
9AM 1:43 4:43 2:17
Joe Dan 1:30 4:25 1:41
Pam 1:53 5:24 2:24
Lee 1:39 5:29 2:12
Jeff MC 1:32 4:38 1:50
Mitch 1:33 4:17 2:03
Page 1:21 3:22 1:30
Velvet 2:00 4:39 1:?
Michael 1:20 4:24 1:32
Staci 1:58 5:45 2:23
Tow Matt 1:35 4:18 1:54
KJ 1:35 4:25 1:42
Jose 1:53 6:25 2:28
Snooki 1:52 4:01 1:54
Ed 1:37 5:19 1:48
Nicole 1:35 4:18 1:37
Silas 1:40 6:04 2:23
Ballet 1:32 3:35 1:40
Nelly 2:00 MOD MOD
Michele 2:08 6:28 2:38
Kiehler 1:20 4:20 1:38
Alex 2:00 4:40 2:15
Eric 1:25 4:30 2:00
Mer 1:25 4:27 1:59
All Levels – Noon
Chris 1:18 3:29 1:28
KT 1:42 4:18 2:15
Ian 1:15 2:49 1:23
Avtar 1:26 3:45 1:44
Gil 1:42 4:14 1:50
Dayna 1:23 2:42 1:55
Patrick 1:33 3:53 1:46
Zach 1:33 3:42 1:46
Evan 1:36 4:12 2:25
Amanda 1:42 5:40 1:42
Jill 1:41 3:46 2:01
E-Rod 1:39 3:49 1:48