WOD 6/3

Performance / Foundations
20:00 For Quality
300 M Run
10 Unweighted Lateral Step-ups (Total)
10 MB Half Moons (total)
10 MB Swings
10 MB Tic Tacs (Total)
10 Speed Skaters (Total)
50 M Farmer Walk
*Move at an easy to moderate pace, focus on great movement quality throughout, a good goal would be to finish 3-4 rounds


Make up Day

“The greatest self is a peaceful smile, that always sees the world smiling back.” –Bryant H. McGill


**Group selfies acceptable, but ALL members in the photo must share with the hashtags to be entered! #cfaselfie6 #butfirstletmetakeaselfie

Foundations & Performance – AM
Ebelia mon 5:57 (55)
Suzy 4
LaShea 4
Bryan 5.4
Maureen 4
Gage 4:47 rx mon
Sarah 4
Bryan 4
Vy 4
Matthew 4
Kerri 4
Braden 4
Adrian 4
Ivan 3:19 rx mon
Ballet 4
Tow Matt 4
Page 4
Gilbert 4
Dayna 4
Schittone 4
Jose 4
Stephen 4
Val 3.5
Laura 3.5
Jake 3
Kate 4
Ryan 4
Dylan 4 + 1 step
Mercy 3 + 300 m
Ray 4
Fro 3
Erica 4
Malia 4
Ladies Class
Mer 4+200m
Nicole 4+10 step
Shanon 4.5
All Levels – Noon
Dixie 3+10 steps
Amy 2.9
Todd 4+200 m
Performance & Foundations – PM
Gil 5+mb swing
Jeri 4+300
Red 3
Joy 2.9
Sydney 3+10 hm
Lauren 4+300
Sean 4+300
Pam 3+100m
Kevin 4+300m
AG mon 81 rx
Chris 6
Rahul 4+10 swings
Nicole 5