WOD 6/30

Weekly Buy In/ Cash out
12-15 Strict Chin-ups @ 51X1 Tempo (split into as many sets as needed)

3 Sets
10 DB Split Squats per leg
:60 Rest
*Post weights to comments


3 Set
AMRAP Chin-ups
2:00 Rest
*Best set recorded


With a running clock do 1 Clean the 1st minute, 2 Cleans the 2nd Minute, etc. until failure
M: 155 lb W:85 lb
*Rounds completed recorded

Enthusiasm is everything. It must be taut and vibrating like a guitar string. -Pele

Fancy Shoes a farce

2nd Annual Murph Day July 3rd sign up for your time slot HERE, 8 AM, and 9 AM are full! Sign up for 10 AM or 11 AM before its to late!
-If people would like to do Murph in teams this is also an option just make sure every team member signs up for the same timeslot!
 -Ladies night will be held @ Tristy’s house on Monday 7:30 PM July 5th
(811 W. Slaughter Ln. Apt 4006, Austin 78748)


10:30 AM Sports Performance Class
11:30 AM Team Workout

AM Results    
  Chin-Ups Rounds
Chaz 12 5 (95lb)
Trey 5 8 (65lb)
Eddie 2 6 (65lb)
Melicious 3 (Red Band) 8 (55lb)
Steph 3 (Red Band) 7 (45lb)
Tow Matt 4 5 (115lb)
John 13 4 (105lb)
Claire Neg 4+4R (55lb)
G Neg 5+5R (75lb)
Patrick 10 5+3R (135lb)
Cat Neg 6+4R (67lb)
Cari 1 5+5R (55lb)
Jerry 11 5+4R (115lb)
Betsy 1 6+3R (75lb)
Mark 1 5+4R (45lb)
Schittone 7 5+3R (65lb, P)
Sleeves 8 5+3R (135lb)
Anthony Neg 4+4R (55lb)
Darlene Neg 7 (50lb)
Boone 17 5+3R  Rx
Kiehler 5 5+4R (115lb)
Ali 11 6+6R (83lb)
Carissa 4 7+3R (60lb)
Jordan Neg 5+3R (55lb)
On Ramp    
Zoom 7:49  
Crash 6:34  
Megan 6:51  
Kristin 5:56  
Ryan 5:20