WOD 6/30

5 Rounds
:10 Box Jumps (challenging height)
1:50 Rest
:10 Dips
1:50 Rest
:10 Air Squats AFAP
1:50 Rest
:10 Burpees AFAP
1:50 Rest
* Box Jump Height, total Burpees+Air Squat reps recorded

I can, therefore I am. -Simone Weil

Getting Back on the wagon
*Post thoughts to comments

– Livestrong Fundraiser and WOD in honor of Colleen
Legge’s 5 year cancer-versary! Go here to donate and participate, and reserve your time slot here!  We have opened a new 8:00am heat!
-July 4th, we will be running a limited schedule.  We will have a 10:00am class.
-July 5th, free WOD at 7:00pm.  Bring your friends and family and sign them up

AM Results
Turk 98, 36″
Mike 99, 32″
Marsha 89, 20″
David 94, 32″
9 AM 83″, 28″
MGJ 25+AD, 14″ (Sprawl
Stephen 94, 36″
G 76, 24″
Heather 76, 24″
Walker 93, 36″
Colleen 78, 20″
Letty 74, 24″
Sam 82, 30″
PM Results
Kristin 87, 26″
Dayna 91, 28″
Pat 81, 36″
Crash 68, 22″
Sanchez 76, 36″
Leigh 99, 39″
Lance 85, 36″
Natalie 68, 14″
Jenny 89, 29″
Kristie 80, 32″
Ross 83, 29.5″
Young 89, 26″
AG 88, 36″
Randy 68, 36″
Eric 89, 38″