WOD 6/4

5 Sets
5 Deadlift
Rest :20
10  Push-ups (Ring, Standard)
Rest 2:00
*Post DL loads, and completed push-ups to comments


5 Rounds
15  Swings (24K, 16K)
5 Pull-ups
Hill Sprint
*Time recorded

Memory is the personal journalism of the soul. -Richard Schickel

Paleo Snacks

CFA Ladies Night Monday June 6th @ The Red Shed
– New Athletes Off Season Training Program starts June 6th.
– New 12 Noon class starts June 6th Monday’s, Wednesdays, and Fridays!
Olympic Weightlifting 1 Day Seminar with Chad and Ursula June 27th

Just 5 More Rob!

Ray 8:26 (16K)
Fro 11:06 Rx
Neal 8:46 Rx
Jerry 13:20 Rx
Liz 15:46 (Band, R)
Ryan 10:47 Rx
Bill 12:13 (16K R, Band, 4R)
Tasha 10:02 (12K, Band)
Ainsley 11:28 (20 lb, Band)
G. 10;40 (20 lb, Band)
Greg 11:53 (12K, Band)
Ali 11:35 (R)
John 11:10 (R)