WOD 6/4

Level Two
3RM Back Squat in 20 min
3 RM Max WTD Chin-up
*Weights recorded

1k Row Time Trial
*Time recorded

Level One (Day 10)

3×400 M Run
Rest 5:00
*Jerk skill practice during rest

Pre-Workout Evening Nutrition for 9 to 5’ers 
*Post thoughts to comments

“Champions are propelled by desire, not compelled by fear.” – Denis Waitley


  • Jog’N’Joe Running Group will meet on Tuesday and Thursday mornings with FREE coffee afterwards! Learn more here!
  • Murph Day is coming, so mark your calendars for June 16th! Learn more here!
  • Starting June 5th, Olympic Lifting Coach Chad Vaughn will begin offering Noon classes at CFA! Get in on the action here!
  • Level 3 Classes are coming to CFA.  Get ready for the 2013 CrossFit Games here!
  • CFA will have a Happy Hour on Wednesday, June 6th at 7pm at Little Woodrows in South Park Meadows.  Come out and meet and mingle with friends – new and old! 

AM – Level 1
Andrew 1:27
Abbi 1:48
Caitlin 1:48
AM – Level 2
Eileen 145lb (Red) 3:58
Leah 145lb (Blue) 4:04
Nicole 135lb (Red) 4:34
MegO 110lb  – 4:36
Sparker 115lb (Blue) 4:15
Mike 245lb 15lb 3:39
Tim 255lb 40lb 7:37 (2K)
Can2 275lb (BW) 7:44 (2K)
Charlie 245lb 30lb 3:22
JV 130lb (BW) 4:35
JP 245lb 35lb 3:24
Kristin 150lb 15lb 4:10
Sean 265lb 25lb 3:23
VC 135lb (Green) 4:34
Gwar 200lb (BW) 3:56
Janice 140lb 12.5lb 1:57 (500m) 4:28 (1K)
Sandy 95lb (Red) MOD
Erica 175lb 5lb 2:03 (500m) 4:46 (1K)
Dusty 90lb (Blue) 4:43
George 155lb 20lb 3:59
Michael 275lb 45lb 3:37
Valyn 125lb (Blue) 4:52
Ballet 155lb 25lb 3:42
Michele 105lb (Red) 5:30
Ray 266lb 60lb 3:54
Helen 90lb (BW) 5:31
Gary 175lb 20lb 3:36
Denise 105lb (Blue) 4:00
Linda 65lb (Blue) 4:58
E-Rod 175lb 20lb 4:48
12P – Level 2
Colleen 160lb (BW) 4:20
Jo 140lb (BW) 4:26
KT 135lb (BW) 4:23
Tristy 240lb   –  –
Blake 375lb 45lb 4:06
Lane 265lb  – 7:42 (2K)
Lance 245lb 71lb 7:34 (2K)
Sam 235lb 20lb 3:30
PM – Level 2
Cat Skill
Jeff 245lb 35lb 3:52
Jables 143lb (Red) 3:57
Melissa 115lb (Red) 4:34
Tasha 135lb (Red) 4:20
Monk 195lb (BW) 4:35
Crash 115lb (Green) 4:15
Erin 153lb 8lb 4:25
Alex T 295lb 60lb 3:23 (1K), 7:08 (2K)
Danimal 235lb 75lb 8:28 (2K)
Nic 285lb 90lb 7:58 (2K)
Gabriel 205lb 75lb 4:05
Mad Dog 105lb (Red) 4:44
Gilbert 315lb 95lb 7:15 (2K)
Jordan 105lb 10lb 4:01
Fernando 205lb (BW) 4:26
Stormye 135lb (Partner) 4:54
EJ 225lb (BW) 3:28
Shug 123lb (Partner) 3:51
ABC 180lb 10lb 3:56
Wade 295lb 70lb 3:44
AG 275lb 45lb 1:29 (500m), 3:30 (1K)
Greg 245lb 65lb 7:45 (2K)
Parnell 305lb 45lb 7:41 (2K)
Kline 205lb 65lb 8:31 (2K)
Danny  – 70lb  –
Elena 85lb  – 5:00
LaRosa 140lb  – 4:28
Sanchez 215lb 45lb 7:44 (2K)
Corey 225lb 45lb 3:43
JJ 165lb 30lb 3:42
Jill 45lb (BW) 5:24
Andy 165lb (BW) 7:38 (2K)
Leigh 255lb (x2) 20lb 8:00 (2K)
Stacey 245lb (x2) 30lb 8:19 (2K)
Mr. T. 275lb (BW) 8:40 (2K)
Paul 175lb 10lb 4:01
C2 100lb  – 4:07
Janss 195lb 30lb 7:42 (2K)
Dayna 175lb 30lb 8:32 (2K)
Sleeves 300lb 40lb 3:36
Gold 335lb 90lb 7:30 (2K)
Place 235lb 20lb 4:08
Raquel 105lb (Blue) 5:25
Jenna 155lb (BW) 4:57
Doug 215lb 40lb 3:47
PM – Level 1
Shannon 1:45
DJ 2:25
Kevin 1:37
Araceli 1:41
Omar 1:47
Vanessa 1:35 (300m)
Alan 1:19
Betsy 1:48
Lauren 1:41
Jeanette 1:38
Marc 1:25
Laurel 1:37
Melissa 1:33
German 1:16
IceE 1:40
Crystal 2:40
Izzy 2:12
Jorge 2:36
Kandy 1:56