WOD 6/7

Weekly Buy In/ Cash out
Side Plank Hold 3x:30 per side (no rest between sets)
Shin on the wall stretch 2x:30 per leg
*This was a concept started by our friends at the Whole9. I will be posting two skills to work on for the week. They should be done before or after class time (or both). They will be 100% optional, and 100% beneficial to your performance.

5 Sets
5 Front Squats
:20 Rest
3 Weighted Chin-ups(add 3 more sets at the end)
2:00 Rest
*Post chin-up, and front squat loads


Tabata Mash-up
Power Snatches (50-60% of 1 RM)
Double Unders
*Power Snatch Loads, and total reps recorded

Adversity is the state in which man mostly easily becomes acquainted with himself, being especially free of admirers then. -John Wooden

Paleo and Ultra Endurence

CFA Ladies Night tonight @ The Red Shed
– New Athletes Off Season Training Program starts today @ 9:30 AM
– New 12 Noon class starts today!
CrossFit Total Day Saturday June 26th
Olympic Weightlifting 1 Day Seminar with Chad and Ursula June 27th

AM Results
Liz 46 (55 lb)
Steph 343 (35 lb, S)
Ainsley 20 (35 lb, S)
Kristin 98 (MOD)
Bill ? (35 lb, S)
Stephen 115 (75 lb)
Cody 153 (75 lb)
John 94 (65 lb)
Kirk 174 (75 lb)
Nick 203 (75 lb)
Jables 89 (45 lb)
Neal 80 (95 lb)
Ray 88 (65 lb)
Chaz 96 (75 lb, MOD)
Walker 58 (45 lb)
Tasha 347 (35 lb, S)
Ryan 303 (65 lb, S)
Laura 321 (35 lb, S)
PM Results
Stacey 152 (70lb)
Betsy 144 (45lb)
G 93 (45lb)
Cat 202 (50lb, S)
Jamie 119 (45lb)
Patrick 71 (75lb)
JJ 120 (45lb, S)
Fro 83 (88lb)
Boone 183 (95lb)
Claire 350 (45lb, S)
Anthony 149 (75lb)
Kiehler 457 (75lb, S)
Tristy 118 (65lb)
Jess 153 (45lb)
Schittone 186 (MOD)
Blake 98 (85lb)
Hoss 216 (35lb, S)
Courtney 327 (35lb, S)
Sherman 296 (65lb, S)
Aubrey 114 (45lb)
Darlene 286 (45lb, S)
Arni 182 (45lb, S)
The Beast 281 (35lb, S)
Ali 211 (75lb, S)
Alex 384 (65lb)
Anthony 171 (35lb, S)
Jordan 106 (35lb HPS)
On Ramp
Kristin 9:43
Ray 8:17
Joy 8:44
Mike 5:43
Blake 6:40
Darren 6:11