WOD 6/8

Alactic Anaerobic Endurence/Power Training

5 Rounds
:10 Dips/Ring Push-ups/Push-ups
:50 Rest
:10 Heavy Russian Swings
:50 Rest
:10 Russian Step-ups
:50 Rest
*Post notes to comments


10 Hill Sprints (Sprint up walk down)
*Post notes to comments


5 Rounds
8-10 Bar Touching Burpees AFAP
2:00 Rest
*Post average time and number

A precedent embalms a principle. -Benjamin Disraeli

Eat More Protein
*Post thoughts to comments

-Another round of Olympic Lifting Classes starts this week with Chad Vaughn.  Sign up here
-Free YOGA at CFA!  Sundays at 4:00pm, one of our very own will be hosting a Yoga class at CFA.  Sign up here to find out who the mystery Yogi is!
– June 23rd is HAPPY HOUR at Little Woodrows at 7:00pm for Steak Night!
– June 25th, CFA will be hosting Mark Sisson’s, author of “The Primal Blueprint”,  Primal Accelerated Success Training seminar.  Sign up here to attend.
– Mark your calendars for July 2nd!  Another big event is coming to CFA!

AM Results
Erica :34


Beast :35 8
Big Shug 2:00 8
Mego :40 8
Chaz :21 9
MG Jenny :26 8 Sprawls
Matthew :24 10
Melicous :28 9
Kirk :23 10
Ray :17 8
Cody :23 10
Letty :28 8
Stephen :22 10
Sam :25 10
Peter ?
Rob :23 10
Senator :36 8
Ryan :30 10
Crash :35 8
Zoom :22 8
Natalie ?
Jesse :34 10
Stephanie :33 9
PM Results
Blake :24 10
Jon :22 10
Randy DNF
Julie :35 8
G :34 10
Jenny :32 10
Chrissy :31 8
Kaz :27 10
Ryan :30 8
Brown Fang :30 9
Debbie :32 7
Prince :26 8
Lana :38 10
Schittone :30 7
Danielle :31 10
Liz :24 8
On Ramp
Jessica 2 2/3
Mark 2 1/3
Yoon Sin 3 1/3