WOD 6/10

Weekly Buy In/ Cash out
Side Plank Hold 3x:30 per side (no rest between sets)
Shin on the wall stretch 2x:30 per leg

Back Squat
Rest 3:00 Minutes between Sets (perfect your kip swing and improve mobility during this time)
*Post Weights to comments


50 Burpees
50 Chest to bar pull-ups
*Time Recorded

If you’re not making mistakes, then you’re not doing anything. I’m positive that a doer makes mistakes.
-John Wooden

The Colbert Bump

Live webcast of the 2010  USA Weightlifting
National Championships (Chad is schedule to lift @ 1 PM on Saturday)
CrossFit Total Day Saturday June 26th
Olympic Weightlifting 1 Day Seminar with Chad and Ursula June 27th

AM Results  
Nick 7:15 Rx
Rob 8:24 Rx
Ray 6:44 Rx
Trey 9:42 (Band)
Walker 8:24 Rx
Michelle 7:04 (Band)
Ainsley 10:21 (Jump)
Tow Matt 10:21 (Band)
On Ramp  
Team WOD  
Ray, Kristin & Joy 10:15
 Pm Results  
Anthony 7:39 (Chin)
OJoe 9:59 (Band)
Betsy 5:31 (Chin)
“G” 8:36 (Chin)
Ryan 10:38 (Chin)
Tristy 8:51 (Chin ROM)
Jerry 8:28 Rx
Mark 9:23 (Band, Sprawls)
Carissa 8:48 (Band)
Fro 7:59 (Chin)
Kiehler 7:22 (Chin)
Peter 12:50 (Chin)
Darlene 9:30 (Band)
L.V. 8:42 (Band)
Rene 7:22 (Chin)
Jordan 12:50 (Band)
On Ramp  
Team Wod  
Blake & Darren 11:19