WOD 7/10
Weekly Buy In/ Cash out
12-15 Ring Dips @ 31X1 Tempo (split into as many sets as needed) or 5 Muscle-ups/Muscle-up attempts
80 Single Arm DB Snatches (Total not per arm)
70 Push-ups
60 Goblet Squats
50 Jumping Pull-ups
40 DB Power Cleans
400 M Farmers Walk
M:35 lb W:20 lb
*Two person teams, one set of DBs, one person works at a time, total team reps are listed above
Courage is the greatest of all the virtues. Because if you haven’t courage, you may not have an opportunity to use any of the others. -Samuel Johnson
Thanks again to all the Murph Day Competitors!
Results |
“G” & Laura | 16:14 (15lb) |
Charlie & Chaz | 12:53 RX |
Aaron & J.J. | 15:46 Rx |
Alex & Greg | 13:30 (20lb) |
Trey & TOW Matt | 12:51 (30lb) |
Rob & Sleeves | 10:50 Rx |
Blake & Shanan | 10:53 Rx |