WOD 7/10

Level Two
12:00, on the minute
Even Minutes: 3 Press @ 60%
Odd minutes: 1-3 Kip HSPU

5 Rounds
5/arm DB Power Snatches (55 lbs, 35 lbs)
10 Rocket Jumps
5 Stationary Dips
10 Lateral Hops
5 Horizontal Ring Rows
200 M Sprint

Extra Credit
Powell Raise x12/armx2
Trap 3 x12/arm x 2

Level One (Day 13)
“Field Trip to Level 2”

CrossFit champion goes back for more (aka Darlene is Famous!)!
*Post thoughts to comments

“If you train hard, you’ll not only be hard, you’ll be hard to beat.” – Herschel Walker


  • Good luck to our very talented and amazing Darlene Price as she heads to compete in the CrossFit Games this weekend!
  • Our interns are offering free assessments for current members now through the end of July! Learn more here.
  • Have you heard about the Athlete Open? Want to compete, judge, or volunteer? Learn more here.
  • We now sell Reebok CrossFit Nano 2.0 and Reebok CrossFit Oly shoes! Click here for more info.
  • CFA will have a  Happy Hour this Thursday (7/12) @ Third Base in SPM starting at 6:30pm! Hope to see you there!

Congratulations to Megan and Jeff Matthyssen on the birth of their new baby boy, 
Benjamin Harper Matthyssen, on July 5th, 2012! 

AM – Level 1
Alex 10:08
Kelly 8:40
Jessie 7:53
Andrew 6:46
AJ 7:09
Jeff C 7:04
Robert 12:11
AM – Level 2
LaRosa 13:37 (20lb)
Big Spoon 14:09 (45lb)
Ivan 14:13 (55lb)
Mike 14:25 (45lb)
Pam 16:31 (20lb)
MegO 17:27 (20lb)
Todd 15:30 (40lb)
Tow Matt 13:22 (45lb)
9AM 14:05 (45lb)
Caitlin 13:50 (15lb)
Ray 12:46 (45lb)
Colleen 12:06 (20lb)
Sam 14:16 (35lb)
Fro 15:09 Rx
Mrs. Fro 15:52 (20lb)
Dusty 15:10 (20lb)
Gary 14:19 (30lb)
Christina 14:00 (15lb)
George 11:16 (30lb)
Ladies’ – AM
Jenna 11:53 (15lb)
Irl 14:44 (15lb)
LG 13:56 (25lb)
Emily 13:30 (MOD)
Valyn 14:00 (20lb)
12P – Level 1
Parnell 5 (55lb)
Kevin 5 (25lb)
Marc 4 (30lb)
Schittone 5 (35lb)
Billly 5 (30lb)
Krista 5 (10lb)
49er 4 (25lb)
Snick 4 (20lb)
Anne 4 (8lb)
PM – Level 2
Kristin 15:36 (35lb)
Jables 15:43 (25lb)
Marissa 16:17 (35lb)
Brandon 13:18 (35lb)
German 15:57 (25lb)
Erin 17:02 (35lb)
Alan 16:20 (20lb)
Jeff 13:14 Rx
Brittani 14:47 (20lb)
Bryan 15:14 (45lb)
Jenny 14:26 (25lb)
Murray 16:47 (20lb)
Sean 13:37 (45lb)
Ed 17:11 Rx
Randy 17:25 (45lb)
Jennifer 14:18 (10lb)
Dillard 11:37 Rx
Sanchez 15:12 Rx
Chrissy 15:41 (20lb)
E-Rod 14:53 (30lb)
Greg 11:37 Rx
Leah 13:32 (MOD)
Doug 12:40 (35lb)
Andy 14:49 (45lb)
Turk 13:01 Rx
Kavi 14:12 (35lb)
Betsy 16:16 (20lb)
Adrian 15:45 (40lb)