WOD 7/14

Weekly Buy In/Cash Out
Snatch Pull-unders 3×10
Hollow Rocks 3x:45

3 Sets
Split Squats (3010) x12
Rest :30
Powell Raises (3010) xAMRAP
Rest 2:00
*Use same DB weight on both moves, post weight and reps to comments


4 Rounds
25 Double Unders (Scale: 3 attempts at Double unders: 100 Singles
15 Burpees
Rest :90

The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak. -Hans Hofmann

Nature vs. Nike

– Next round of Oly Classes start tomorrow, 3 PM, 6:30 PM, and 7:30 PM. Single sessions now available.
– Wes will be doing free assessments during the 7:30 AM and 4:30 PM Class on Tuesday and Thursday this week, Thursday’s 7:30 AM class will be assessments only.


AM Result
Chaz 13:47 (s)
Michael 12:18 Rx
Melicious 17:27 (s)
Amber 14:23 (s)
Michelle 12:06 (s)
Steph 12:14 (s)
G. 11:35 Rx
Jables 11:40 Rx
Cody 9:03 Rx
Charlie 10:03 Rx
Rob 11:25 Rx
Claire 11:25 (S)
Tow Matt 11:29 Rx
John 11:03 (S)
PM Results
Kirk 8:41 Rx
Betsy 10:09 Rx
Laura 14:02 (S, Sprawl)
Patrick 14:11 Rx
Tasha 14:17 (S)
Mark 13:49 (S)
Chris 13:00 (S)
Cari 12:14 (S)
LV 13:31 (S)
Sleeves 9:12 Rx
Ashlie 12:06 (S)
Megan 14:21 (S)
Darlene 15:04 (S)
Jordan 16:39 Rx
Carissa 10:56 Rx
Anthony 15:36 (S)
On Ramp
Skipper 8:49
Andrew 11:41