WOD 7/17

Level Two
A. 1 Set of Max HSPU (Kipping or Strict)
B. 5 Minutes on the Minute 1-3 Kip HSPU

3 Rounds
8 Dips
15 Rocket Jumps
8 Kip CTB Pull-ups
30 Double Unders
8 Hang Power Snatch (95 lbs, 65 lbs)
300 M Run

Extra Credit
Powell Raise x8/armx2
Trap 3 x8/arm x 2

Level One (Day 3)
Frankenstein Squat
Back Squat

A1. Back Squats x5x3 32X1 Rest :30
A2. Seated DB Ext. Rotation x10-12×3 Rest :60
B1. DB Press x6-8×3 Rest 1:00
B2. RDLs x4-6x 3 @ 4111 Rest 1:00
C. Ab exercise of choice x30 reps

Maintaining Weight Loss – The Recent JAMA Study
*Post thoughts to comments

“The mind always fails first, not the body. The secret is to make your mind work for you, not against you.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger


  • Congratulations to our very talented and amazing Darlene Price for her incredible performance and 7th place finish at the CrossFit Games this weekend! #dapriceisAMAZING!!!
  • Our interns are offering free assessments for current members now through the end of July! Learn more here.
  • Have you heard about the Athlete Open? Want to compete, judge, or volunteer? Learn more here.
  • We now sell Reebok CrossFit Nano 2.0 and Reebok CrossFit Oly shoes! for more info.

AM – Level 1
Robert S
Christian S
Bradley S
J-Mo S
Alexandra S
Kelly S
Jessie S
Salina S
AM – Level 2 HSPU Time Scale
Ivan 16 17:50 Rx
Doug 16 12:56 (75lb)
Tina 5 15:38 Rx
Keith 1 19:03 (65lb)
Shug 15:47 (45lb, J)
JV 14:37 (45lb, J)
Leah 15:04 (35lb, J)
MegO 17:11 (35lb, J)
Big Spoon 16:25 Rx
Irl 17:05 (35lb, J)
Michael 15 12:56 (S)
Ballet 26 12:19 (S)
Gwar 2 17:19 (Chin, S)
Sarah 17:57 (MOD)
Tow Matt 16:27 Rx
Brian 22 13:01 Rx
Dusty 15:08 (37lb, J)
Christina 13:34 (37lb, J)
Colleen 12:23 (45lb, J)
Sam 9 16:21 (65lb, Chin)
Bryan 6 14:32 (65lb, Chin)
Thurst 5 15:28 (45lb)
Gary 5 15:28 (65lb, Chin)
Laila 13:17 (45lb, J)
AM – Ladies’
Jenny 13:29 (45lb, J)
Mer 15:31 (35lb, J)
Heather 15:52 (45lb, J)
Jen 17:01 (35lb, J)
12P – Level 1
49er S
Dixie S
Marc S
PM – Level 2
Erin 1 16:00 (Chin)
Ed 1 16:51 (Chin)
Calvin 10 14:03 Rx
Emily 15:36 (MOD)
Dillard 4 11:58 (Chin)
Marissa 17:20 (65lb, J)
Mike 17:58
Cowboy 17:06
Pam 17:52
Kline 14:19 Rx
Crash 17:05
Marc 21:58
Dayna 12:52 Rx
Janss 17:42 Rx
John 10:52 Rx
Eric 10:52 Rx
Cameron 13:42 Rx
Jose 15:10 Rx
Kavi 14:23
E-Rod 17:19
Sting 14:39
Andy 14:21
Rocky 17:26
Wade 17:37
Brittani 13:06
Sanchez 15:29 Rx
Adrian 17:33
Chrissy 16:39
Liz G 18:47
Schittone 19:11