WOD 7/17

Performance – Week 2 of 8 Strength and Aerobic Base Focus
EMOM 20:00
Even: 2 Strict Chin-ups @ 30X0
Odd: 2 Hang Clean + 1 Jerk
*Weight Chin-ups if strict tempo is achieved, appx. 70% of 1 RM
4 Rounds
2:00 AMRAP of
Power Clean
Kip Pull-ups
1:00 Rest
*Total Reps recorded

Kip Swing/Jumping Pull-up
*Go through Progression

A1. Kip Pull-ups x1-3 x5
A2. Back Squat x1-3 x5
*Best Front Squat Weight Recorded
5 Rounds
5 Burpees
10 DB Walking Lunges / Leg
50 Singles on the jump rope

5 Things I Still Struggle With
*Post thoughts to comments

“Ability may get you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there.” – John Wooden


Foundations – AM
Humberto 65
Maryhelen 85
Amon 85
Monica 65
Jordan 65
Courtney 65
Joseph 115
Toanna 65
Julie 95
Jessica 75
Performance – AM
Charlie 113
Kristi 105
Ivan 108
Brian 111
Janet 99
Eileen 123
Tineke 140
Kara 128
Lee 88
Mitch 90
Gregg 112
Carlos 90
Ballet 91
Jose 60
Silas 72
Jillian 108
Staci 69
Ed 114
Michael 103
Ryan 115
Maureen 82
Nelly 82
Performance – Noon
Avtar 138
Gil 155
KT 109
Dayna 130
Ginny 56
Patrick 84
Kiehler 100
David 101
Cameron 83
Jill 128
Foundations – PM
Mercy 95 – 9:30
Ed 95 – 11:43
Sean 95 – 9:30
Amanda 85 – 7:08
Kelcey 50 – 13:18
Emmy 15 – 10:28
Madison 65
Ben 115 – 10:52
Sindy 75 – 9:12
Krista 65 – 8:23
Ana 65 – 8:47
Daniela 35 – 16:00
Amy 65 – 10:30
Emily 65 – 9:39
Performance – PM
Gabriel 99
Ryan 99
Jacob 115
Cassie 108
Paul 95
Can2 113
Adrian 104
Desiree 55
E-Rod 98