WOD 7/18

Level Two:

Take 20 minutes to find a technical 1RM Jerk


Alactic Endurance Test
5 Rounds
:20 of Burpees (jump and touch pull-up bar just above your reach)
2:40 Rest
*Total burpees recorded

Level One:

A. Hip Clean + Press x3x2 rest 1:00
B. Hip Clean + Push Press x2x2 rest 1:00
C. Hip Clean to Thruster x2x2 Rest 1:00

1 Mile Run Time Trial (15:00 cap)

There are no shortcuts in evolution -Louis D. Brandeis

10 Commandments of Recovery
*Post thoughts to comments

– Let your friends and family know that on July 23rd, they are invited to join your at our Saturday Team WOD!  Everyone is welcome to come and try out CrossFit.
Sign them up here for the 11:00am WOD.
– Our next CrossFit Austin HAPPY HOUR will be  July 26th at 7:00pm.  The location is to be announced.

AM Results
Mike 47
Nick 55
Big Shug 27
Mad Dog 36
MG Jenny 37 (Sprawl)
Anthony 38
Ballet 47
Walker 42
Cody 43
Level 1
Alyson 11:27
Mark 13:49
Rob 54
Blake 52
Cat 46
Dayna 55
“G” 37
John 45
Lane 50
Jesse 39
PM Results
Stephanie 41
Ryan 45
Geno 51
Leigh 49
Winner 41
Randy 47
Elena 32
Stacey 56
Betsy 53
Boone 50
Tasha 41
Marsha 41
Megan 39
Zoom 41
Huston 46
Kavi 45
Jerry 50
Schittone 46
Carissa 49
Teeny 37
Michael 48
Dain 50
Liz 34
Alex 50
Danny 49
Sanchez 45
Courtney 51
Level One
Emily 13:50
Aubrey 9:47
Mr. T 10:20
Newby 7:21
Ty 7:22
Vanessa 11:18
Cynthia 11:21