WOD 7/18
Performance – Week 2 of 8 Strength and Aerobic Base Focus
A. BN Snatch Push Press + OHS x3+3×5 @ Rest :60
B. Front Squat x4x4 @ 60-70%, 30X0 Rest :60
C1. Snatch RDL x5x5 work to a challenging weight, great mechanic Rest :60
C2. Ring Push-ups x3-5×5 @ 30X0 Rest :60
D1. Pendlay Row x6x4 Rest :30
D2. DB Hip Thrust x6x4 @ 30X0 Rest :60
Hip Snatch Progression
Hip Power or Full Snatch x1-2×7
*Snatch and Lunge weight are the same
Partner WOD
4 Rounds w/ Partner
10 Wall Balls
10 KB swings
300 M Run
*Relay race style 1 partner completes a round then the next partner go until both partners complete 4 rounds
*Team Times Recorded
“Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” – Muhammad Ali
Foundations – AM | |
John & Humberto | 16:03 – 3 rounds |
Hang & Lisa | 20:42 |
Steve & Kevin | 19:17 |
Jannica & Kelcey | 21:27 |
Chris & Joseph | 21:33 |
Whitney | 16:20 |
Jordan & Courtney | 19:55 |
Performance – AM | |
Bradley | |
Joe Dan | |
Janet | |
Gabrielle | |
Nicole | |
Lia | |
Bigspoon | |
Mitch | |
Tow Matt | |
Jessie | |
Mr.T | |
Roland | |
Jose | |
Michael | |
Ballet | |
Maureen | |
Nelly | |
Ladies Class | |
Jenny | |
Stefani | |
Emily | |
Lyzz | |
Josie | |
LuLu | |
Mer | |
Foundations – Noon | |
TJ & Emily | 16:21 |
Kristen & Elorra | 16:23 |
Grace & Jillian | 18:26 |
Foundations – PM | |
Carolina & Piotr | 18:39 |
Amanda, Ed, & Sean | 18:20 |
Sindy, Sai, & Dipti | 21:59 |
Lauren & Max | 21:40 |
Performance – PM | |
E-Rod | |
Kevin | |
Miller Time | |
Ian | |
David | |
Kat | |
Taylor | |
Kristin W | |
Ryan | |
Kristin C | |
Patrick | |
Christopher | |
Matt | |
MegO | |
Evil | |
Can2 | |
Brian | |
Sergio | |
Sadie | |
Lane | |
Jason | |
ABC | |
KJ | |
C2 | |
Missy | |
Paul | |
Cassie | |