WOD 7/19

All Levels
EMOM alternating for 12:00
Even: 2 Back Squat @ 80%
Odd: 3 Muscle Snatch
5 Rounds
1:00 Unweighted Lunges
1:00 Air Squat
1:00 Jump Rope
1:00 Row
*Total Reps recorded

Time allowing:
C. Hollow Rocks/Hold x10x3

Hard Work
*Post thoughts to comments

“There may be people that have more talent than you, but there’s no excuse for anyone to work harder than you do.” – Derek Jeter 


All Levels – AM
Joe Dan 1000
Maryhelen 772
Ian 1154
Kristi 815
Lee 850
Jeff 1119
Gwar 1080
Tow Matt 1199
Michael 1121
Brian 1096
Silas 1027
Red 812
Sarah 960
Ryan 1138
MegO 1459 (reps+meters)
Kristan 1360 (r+m)
Nelly 834 (r+m)
Mer 1563 (r+m)
All Levels – Noon
Avtar 1284  (r+m)
Amy 959  (r+m)
Miller Time 1285  (r+m)
Gil 1000  (r+m)
KT 1195  (r+m)
Kiehler 1852  (r+m)
E-Rod 1016  (r+m)
Chris 1196  (r+m)
Jill 1369  (r+m)
Tina 1475  (r+m)