WOD 7/2

Weekly Buy In/ Cash out
12-15 Strict Chin-ups @ 51X1 Tempo (split into as many sets as needed)

3 Sets
AMRAP Ring Dips
Rest 2:00


3 Rounds
400 M Run
15 Swings (24K, 16K)
10 DB Push Presses (55 lb, 35 lb)

Dream no small dreams for they have no power to move the hearts of men. -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Some 4th of July Paleo suggestions from the newest member of the 6:30 AM Crew

2nd Annual Murph Day tomorrow! Sign up for your time slot HERE, just a few spots left at 11 AM!
-If people would like to do Murph in teams this is also an option,  just make sure every team member signs up for the same timeslot!
-Ladies night will be held @ Tristy’s house on Monday 7:30 PM July 5th (811 W. Slaughter Ln. Apt.4006, Austin 78748)
**Feel free to bring a Paleo friendly treat if you want…it’s not required though**

Monday July 5th Class Schedule:
10:30 AM Sports Performance Class
11:30 AM Team Workout

Murph Day 2009

AM Results
Dips Time
Nick 20 10:57 Rx
Darlene Holds 10:00 (20lbs)
Ali 6 11:11 (35lbs, 16K)
Fro 8 10:58 (35lb)
Greg Neg 11:28 (30lb, 16K)
TOW Matt 7 9:10 (35lb, 16K)
John 9 9:41 (35 lb, 16K)