WOD 7/22

Weekly Buy In/Cash Out
Split Squats 2×15/leg
50 Double Unders

Make up/Skill/Squat Day
Monday: Dips, and Dumbells
Tuesday: So fresh, and so cleans
Wednesday: Gassers anyone?

Skill Themes:
Overhead Squats
Back Squat

You decide what it is you want to accomplish and then you lay out your plans to get there, and then you just do it. It’s pretty straightforward. -Nancy Ditz

PaNu takes down statins, again

– CFA gym workday this Saturday
– Save your spot for the Mohican Warrior Challenge round 1, July 31st!
Free Workout, July 31st @ 11 AM!

AM Results
Carissa 60 lb Cluster Skills
Jerry 135 lb BS Skills
Andrew Gassers
David Gassers
Chaz Gassers
Nick 185 lb BS Skills
Karen 55 lb BS Skills
Trey 8:31 (35 lb) 7/19
Tow Matt 10:27 (95 lb) 7/20
PM Results
Betsy 9:28 (20lb, Neg) 7/19
Sleeves Squat Skills
Chris 11:19 (95lbs) 7/20
“G” 13:16 Gassers
Patrick 10:39 (135lbs) 7/20
Blake 11:22 (175lbs) 7/20
Skipper 9:39 (20lb, Neg) 7/19
Mark 11:30 (15lbs, Neg) 7/19
L.V. 9:06 (20lbs, Neg) 7/19

10:27 (115lb) 7/20

Alex 9:54 (35lbs, Neg) 7/19
Jordan 14:01 Gassers
On Ramp
Kathleen 6:23
Juan & Jessica 9:07
Sarah & Jennifer 9:53
Mel & Heath 12:31