WOD 7/28

Level Two

20 Minutes of Pose Running Practice


20 Minutes on the Minute
1-3 Muscle-ups—>Assisted Dips—>Dips—>Push-ups
2-4 Toes to Bar—>KTE—>Straight Leg Raises
*Total Reps of each movement recorded

Level One (Day 12)

KB Swings
Handstand Push-ups

A. Hip/Hang Snatch x2x3  rest :90
B. Clean & Jerk x1x3  rest 2:00
C. Deadlift x3x3  rest 2:00
D. Back Squats x5x3  rest 2:00

If fear is cultivated it will become stronger, if faith is cultivated it will achieve mastery. -John Paul Jones

15% Rule
*Post thoughts to comments

– Monday, August 1st, our morning Level One Class will be canceled due to coaches flying back from the CrossFit Games in CA.  The morning classes on Monday will be All Levels Classes, so feel free to sign up for any of the morning classes. 
– The next round of Oly Classes starts August 4th with Chad at 3:00, 6:30 and 7:30.   The 6:30 class will be for vets or folks who are already pretty proficient in the movements.  Sign up
here to reserve your spot.

AM Results
Mike 50 76
Marsha 60 80
JV 60 80
Mego 60 68
Big Shug 49 74
MG Jenny 60 80
Tow Matt 39 59
Michael 33 77
Letty 60 60
Yoon Sin 61 63
Peter 58 74
PM Results
Sanchez 50 40
“G” 57 56
Geno 15 80
Stacey 30 80
R.Young 50 60
Will 31 59
Carissa 38 80
Pimp Daddy 46 65
Al-Gangsta 32 80
Level 1