WOD 7/29

Max Rounds in 15 Minutes
9 Box Jumps (24″, 20″)
6 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
3 Burpees

Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Eat em to Save em


AM Results
Jennie 10 (Band)
Michelle 9 (Jump)
Walker 12 (Chin Over)
Rob 9 Rx
Blake 8 Rx
Amber 10 (Jump)
Stephen 8 (Chin Over, Push-up/TucK Jump)
Chris 7 (Chin Over)
Lyzz 9 (+24″, Band)
Kim 9 (Jump)
Andrew 11 (Chin Over)
Laura 9 (12″, Jump)
PM Results
Matt 6 (Jump)
Dave 9 (jump)
Mel 12 (Band)
Melanie 9 (Jump)
Boone 12 Rx
Sherman 10 (Chin Over)
Stacey 13 Rx+24″
Betsy 11 (Band)
Megan T. 8 (Jump)
JJ 7 (Band)
Dennis 7 (20″, Jump)
Boice 13 Rx
Aurelia 9 (Jump)
Ally 3:49 (30 10# WB, 500 M Row)