WOD 7/3

Level Two
A1. Press x3x10 @ 60-65% Rest :45
A2. Frog Stand to Push-up/HSPU x2x10 Rest :45

3 Rounds
10 Hip Muscle Snatches (65 lbs, 45 lbs)
100 M Sprint
10 Dips
100 M Skip
10 Kip Pull-ups
100 M Lateral Slide
*Total Time Recorded

Extra Credit
Powell Raise x12/armx2
Trap 3 x12/arm x 2

Level One (Day 10)


3×500 M Row
Rest 5:00
*Jerk skill practice during rest

Make Strength Gains Today by Decreasing Stress For Faster Recovery
*Post thoughts to comments 

“It isn’t hard to be good from time to time insports. What is tough, is being good every day.” – Willie Mays


  • Our interns are offering free assessments for current members now through the end of July! Learn more here.
  • Have you heard about the Athlete Open? Want to compete, judge, or volunteer? Learn more here.
  • We now sell Reebok CrossFit Nano 2.0 and Reebok CrossFit Oly shoes! Click here for more info.
  • CFA will have a  Happy Hour next Thursday (7/12) @ Third Base in SPM starting at 6:30pm! Hope to see you there!

AM – Level 1
AJ 1:51
Kelly 2:12
J-Mo 2:16
Jessie 2:20
Bradley 1:30
Lisa 2:00
Victoria 2:20
Jeff C 2:00
AM – Level 2
LaRosa 9:10 (2RDS)
Liip 12:33
Ivan 12:51 Rx
Guthrie 13:27 (25lb)
JP 13:47 (45lb)
Big Spoon 12:01 (45lb)
Pam 10:10 (2RDS)
Natalia 10:20 (2RDS)
Egan 9:29 (2RDS)
MegO 15:15 (15lb)
Ashley 12:16 (25lb)
Caitlin 13:12
Tow Matt 15:25 Rx
Schittone 13:41
Kavi 17:04
Ballet 11:47 Rx
Valyn 14:13
Becky 14:58
Ray 11:09 Rx
Michael 11:36 Rx
Kiehl 12:37
Gary 14:05
Jackie 13:57
Fro 14:09 Rx
Mrs. Fro 15:45
Christina 14:13
Jeff 12:58
Ed 15:10
AM – Ladies’
Michelle 10:09 (25lb, J)
Mer 11:58 (25lb, J)
Colleen 10:32 (35lb, J)
Lauren 11:56 (25lb, J)
Ronnie 12:05 (15lb, J, 2RDS)
Jenny 10:54 (25lb, J)
12P – Level 1
Billy 1:41
Kevin 1:45
Krista 2:07
Taylor 2:20
PM – Level 2
Andy 15:23
Brandon 14:06 Rx
Murray 16:33
Tasha 14:29
Melissa 15:41
Bryan 12:53 Rx
Alan 16:33
Erin 13:39 Rx
Jeff 16:03
Randy 15:00
Brittani 13:38
Stormye 15:28
Sanchez 11:48 Rx
Beast 14:28 Rx
George 12:25
Denise 12:48
Desiree 15:43
Wade 12:38 Rx
E-Rod 12:43
Shug 15:06
Jenny 12:58