WOD 7/3

14:00 EMOM
Min 1 – 2 Jerk @ 90-100%
Min 2 – Rest
*Sets across for both exercises
*Split Jerk weight recorded

7 minute AMRAP
12 dumbbell hang power snatch -single arm @ 45/30/15
8 single arm dumbbell overhead squat (same as above)
*Every time you put the dumbbell down, you have to suitcase carry it 40’ before your next set
*Rounds + Reps recorded

Scaling Guide:
– 4 – 7 rounds, about 1:20 per round.
– Scale Up: 53/35lb kettlebell

Optional ‘Cash Out’:
4 min max cal row or airdyne

REMINDER: Open Gym closed from 1-4 today

CFA will be closed Tuesday July 4th