WOD 7/6

All Levels
A1. Goblet Good Mornings x10x3 Rest :45
A2. Long Stroke Split Squats x8/leg x 3 Rest :45
B1. Pogo Jumps x5x3 Rest :45
B2. Static Horizontal Ring Rows x5x3 Rest :45

OVHD Lunge/Leg (45lb, 25 lb)
Deadlift (225, 135 lbs)
400 M Run
*Total Time Posted

Extra Credit
Accumulate 1:00 in an L-sit


  • Our interns are offering free assessments for current members now through the end of July! Learn more here.
  • Have you heard about the Athlete Open? Want to compete, judge, or volunteer? Learn more here.
  • We now sell Reebok CrossFit Nano 2.0 and Reebok CrossFit Oly shoes! Click here for more info.
  • CFA will have a  Happy Hour next Thursday (7/12) @ Third Base in SPM starting at 6:30pm! Hope to see you there!

AM – All Levels
Charlie 13:51 Rx
Liip 15:22 Rx
Sparker 14:20
Pam 16:31
Andrew 10:15
Tow Matt 14:57
Gwar 14:46
Turk 10:24 Rx
Schittone 13:59
Caitlin 14:25
MT 9:13 Rx
Linda 14:24
Jenny 10:32
Michelle 12:06
12P – All Levels
Erin 12:50 Rx
Randy 14:27
Todd 16:32
Gabriel 14:56
Missy 14:36
Colleen 11:09
Brandon 13:12
Murray 15:09
E-Rod 12:19
Wade 14:20 Rx
Billy 12:49