WOD 8/11

Level Two

Muscle Up Progression

3 Rounds
800 M Run
Muscle Ups (M:5, W:3)
10 Toes to Bar
20 Russian KB Swings (24K, 16K)

Level One (Day 6)

Front Squats

A. Lift off + Deadlift x3+2×3  Rest :90
B. Front Squat x4x3 @32×3  Rest :45 
C1. Unweighted Step-ups x6/leg x2 Rest :45
C2. Chin-ups x6-12 x2  Rest :45

*Post thoughts to comments

It’s better to be a lion for a day than a sheep all your life. -Elizabeth Kenny

– Saturday, August 13th, our regular classes will be canceled and we will be having CrossFit Total Day!  You will need to sign up
here under “seminars & boot camps” for a time slot.  There are time slots open at 9:00, 10:00 and 11:00am.  Let’s lift some heavy weights CFA!

Level 1
TJ strength
Alyson strength
Heidi strength
Jenna strength
AM Results
Janice 21:11 (J, KR)
Beast 20:50 (J, KR)
Mike 19:32 (CTB)
JV 19:37 (J, 12k)
Courtney 18:53 (J, 12k, KR)
Macaroni 17:34 (JMU)
9am 19:09 (J, KR)
Michael 18:46 (KPU)
Turk 15:49 (JMU)
Letty 21:37 (J, KTE)
PM Results
Colleen 18:01 (J, KR, 12K)
Sanchez 23:02 (COB)
Jeff 20:42 (COB,16K)
Betsy 18:21 (CTB)
Stacey 18:11 RX
Kaz 19:19 (CTB)
Lane 19:11 (CTB)
Geno 33:40 RX
Carissa S
Sleeves 20:11 RX
Anthony 22:02 (20K, CTB)
Jesse 22:05 (J)
Amy 27:31 (KR,16K,J)
Schittone 22:04 (CTB)
Mr T 25:50 (KR,J,16K)
Andrew 24:15 (KR,J,16K)
Level One
Jonathan S
Tony S
Daddy J. S
C.C. S
Josie S
Chrissy S
Katie S
Bryan S
Pete S
Veronica MOD