WOD 8/18

Level Two

Muscle-up Progression

4 Rounds
Muscle ups (M:5, W:3)
10 Deadlifts (See Chart)
15 Abmat sit-ups
Run 50M – 100M – 150M – 200M

Level One (Day 9)


A. Hip Snatch (Power or Full) x2x3
B1. Deadlift x3x3
B2. RPU/Dips x3-5×3
C1. Step-ups x5x3
C2. Kip Pull-ups x4-6×3

“Life is what we make it, always has been, always will be -Grandma Moses

The Pleasure Principle

–  Get your Prom outfits ready….This Friday is CFA’s  first ever Prom Pub Run!  We will be meeting at Town Lake in front of the water coolers at 8:00pm to head to the first bar on our route.

AM Results
Courtney 10:36 (85, 3/3)
Colleen 10:00 (75, 3/3)
Mike 13:31 (185, 5/5)
Mikey 13:31 (185, 3/3)
Big Shug 12:23 (95, 3/3)
Nick 13:08 (205)
Carissa 11:36 (135, 3/3)
9am 12:48 (205, 3/3)
Jerry 14:34 (205, 5/5)
Walker 15:11 (115, 9/9)
Letty 16;19 (115, 9/9)
Jables 16:37 (115, 9/9)
Ivan 23:49 (225, 15/15)
PM Results
Dayna 8:06 (115, 3/3)
Betsy 8:43 (135, 3/3)
Sanchez 12:38 (135, 3/3)
Clapper 12:54 (205, 3/3)
Cat 11:03 (165, 3/3)
Coy 12:24 (95, 3/3)
Andrew 14:53 (145,J,KR)
Jessica 10:17 (67,J)
Jesse 15:12 (165, J)
Lana 10:18 (65, J)
Sleeves 12:38 RX
Zayra 10:55 (75,3/3)
Christy 8:56 (95, 3/3)
Schittone 15:22 (185, 5/5)
Ryan 13:58 (185, 5/5)
Amy 12:33 (95,J,KR)
Tristy 9:21 MOD
Jon 11:34 (245, 5/5)
Leigh 7:50 MOD
Kaz 11:57 (115, 5/5)
Veronica I
Level One
Teeny S
Tony S
Pete S
Maggie S
Jonathan S
Dan S
Chrissy S
Bryan S
Josie S