WOD 8/19

Performance – Week 7 of 8 Work Capacity 
A. RDL + Hip Clean x3x6 rest :90 by feel

10 Rounds
200 M Run
5 Overhead Squats @ 95 lb, 65 lb
*Time Recorded

2 Rounds
10 V-ups
10 total Single Arm Walking Lunges


A1. Strict Pull-ups x3x5
A2. Thruster x5x5

B. 1 Mile Time Trial

2 Rounds
: 90 Side Planks
20 MB Sit ups

“Life is like a hamstring…you’ve got to load it before you push through it.” -Leigh LeGare

judy afm

Congratulations, Judy! Two years in row!

Foundations – AM
Bryan 10:09
Humberto 9:01
Monica 12:05
Jonathan 9:09
Dawn 10:31
Toanna 8:00
John 13:55
Josh 6:50
Andre 6:50
Performance – AM
Lee 18:11
Ken 18:42
Sam 16:50
Mitch 15:10
Big Spoon 17:27
Ed 15:57
Tow Matt 17:05
Red 18:15
Jose 15:55
Sarah 16:42
Jillian 15:45
Jeff 15:00
Joseph 14:57
Nelly 18:31
Performance – Noon
Wood 14:22
Mer 15:52
Tina 14:30
Emilio 14:26
Foundations – PM
Sean 6:04
Ed 8:58
Andrea 10:28
Conal 10:38
Jillian 11:38
Emmy 9:27
Vance 8:08
Jason 8:24
Jessica 9:27
Max 10:57
Lauren 8:24
Emily 9:22
Performance – PM
Jeri 17:16
Gil 19:10
Amanda 17:13
STD 16:43
E-Rod 20:38
KT 23:11
Coco 22:39
ABC 20:09
Sean 14:51
Janet 17:12
Sanchez 16:22
C2 18:45
Missy 18:50
Shug 20:35
Jen 16:45
Nicole 16:30
Cassie 17:46
PJ 14:48
Paul 16:48
Keith 17:00
Larry 15:26
Ruhlin 14:30