WOD 8/19

Push-up Challenge Day 13
Buy in: 2600/1300
Push-ups for the day: 200/100

Warrior Wednesday

5 Rounds
400 M Run
30 Wall Balls (20 lbs, 15 lb)
30 Box Jumps (24″, 20″)

A true warrior never fights without a purpose that is greater than oneself. -T. Harv Eker

An interview with Dutch


**Announcements** The Dutch Lowy Performance Development Seminar is this Saturday (There will be no Saturday workout this week), check out today’s article for a taste of the content covered. If you’re interested in going and haven’t signed up yet shoot me an email.

CF Austin happy hour tomorrow @ Little Woodrows (after the 6:30 PM class)!

The On-Ramp Program starts on Monday, August 31st @ 7:30 PM. Who should come?
– Anyone who is brand new to CrossFit or a new member of CrossFit Austin.
– Anyone who is a current member that feels that are lacking in the fundamentals of our program.
– Anyone who is a current member and would like to review and solidify the their fundamentals.

AM Results
Erika 19:43 (1/2 Run, 1/2 Reps)
Rob 34:20 Rx
Andrew 39:41 (10 lb)
Dave 37:13 (10 lb, 20″)
Kristin 34:15 (5 lb DB Thrusters/Squats)
Michelle 31:13 (10 lb)
Amber 33:33 (10 lb)
Tow Matt 33:52 (10 lb, 20″)
PM Results
Walker 32:34 (10lb)
Mac 15:02 (15lb DB, 15 Box Jumps x 3rds)
Jessica 18:13 (15 Wall Balls, 15 Box Jumps x 3rds)
Nugget 28:57 Rx
Sherman 33:32 (15lb)
Lezli 18:19 (10lb 1/2 Run & Reps)
Betsy 28:17 Rx
Stacey 23:59 Rx
Keira 19:46 (10lb/14″ Box, 1/2 Run & Reps)
Wes 32:20 Rx
Smeth 30:06 (15lb)
Boone 27:04 Rx
Eleanor 4:00 (50 Squats, 500m Row)