WOD 8/21

Performance – Week 7 of 8 Work Capacity 
In 10 Minutes work to a 2 RM Hip Snatch or Hip Power Snatch
5:00 EMOM 2 Hip Snatch or Power Snatch @ 90% of today
*Best Snatch Recorded

7 Rounds
:30 Max DB Power Snatch @ 55 lb, 35 lb (From Ground)
:90 Rest
*Max Reps recorded

3 Rounds
400 M Sprint
5:00 Rest

Kip Pull-ups

EMOM alternating for 12:00
odd: 2-4 Kip/Jump Pull-ups
even: 2-4 Goblet Squat

4 Rounds (Partner Workout)
250 M Row
8 Push-ups
*1 Person works at a time
*Record total time

“Disciplining yourself to do what you know is right and important, although difficult, is the highroad to pride, self-esteem, and personal satisfaction.” – Margaret Thatcher

Judy Blaz

Congratulations to Judy and Blaz on winning 1st place at the Africa Partner Competition!

Foundations – AM
WB 6:04
Freedom Rowers 7:00
Team Bad-ass 7:00
Performance – AM
Ivan 115 13
Lee 97 10
Mitch 65 16
Dave 95 12
Maureen 45 11
Janice 50 16
Gabi 65 13
Melissa 33 8
Jillian 65 15
Red 45 10
Jose 85 12
Chet 135 10
Gil 90 20
Jeff 115 12
Nelly 55 9
Ray 125 11
Performance – Noon
Tineke 60 16
Eric 95 13
Jared 95 14
Foundations – PM
Bruiser 5:51
Braves 5:12
Performance – PM
Coco 55 10
Larry 105 11
Sean 70 11
Matt 105 12
Mercy 55 13
Walter 95 12
Kinchen 85 10
Jacob 95 12
PJ 115
Mike 115
Allyson 55
Keith 95
J-Rod 105
Sarah 50
Lulu 65