WOD 8/22
Performance – Week 7 of 8 Work Capacity
Warm-up: Medball Get-ups x5/leg x2
*Narrow as possible
A.Front Squat x1x5 @ 90-95% by feel Rest 3:00
B1. DL x2x6 @80% Rest :60
B2. WTD Dips x3x6 @ rest :90
B3. WTD Strict Pull-ups x3x6 Rest :90
A. Back Squat x3-5×5 @ 30×0
B. Press x2-3×4
C1. RDL x6-8×4
C2. Ring Rows x6-8×4
“There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.” -Nelson Mandela
Foundations – AM | |
John | |
Humberto | |
Scott | |
Bryan | |
Jim | |
Courtney | |
Meridith | |
Jannica | |
Performance – AM | |
Joseph | |
Ivan | |
Sissy | |
Gage | |
Janet | |
Ed | |
Big Spoon | |
MegO | |
Kristi | |
Red | |
Tow Matt | |
Jose | |
Sarah | |
Lisa | |
Steve | |
Kevin | |
Silas | |
Michele | |
Ray | |
Ladies Class | |
Mer | |
Josie | |
Jill | |
Stefani | |
Heather | |
Jenny | |