WOD 8/24

Weekly Buy In/Cash Out
:90/side of Side Planks (Fraction as needed)
:90 of Front Planks (Fraction as needed)

4 sets
3+2 Clean deadlift to the knee+Clean deadlift
:30 Rest
AMRAP Ring Push-ups 2010
2:00 Rest


3 Rounds
20 Unbroken Burpees (Scale to a number you can complete unbroken)
10 Step-ups/ leg
200 M Run
Rest 2:00

The worth of every conviction consists precisely in the steadfastness with which it is held. -Jane Adams


-Part 2 of the Mohican Warrior Challenge is around the corner, Sept. 11th.  If you signed up for Part 1, please email tristystep@gmail.com to reserve your time slot for Part 2!  If you are only signing up for Part 2 of the Challenge, please sign up for your time slot here
**Also, we need judges/counters!  If you are interested in helping out, even if you aren’t competing, email tristystep@gmail.com
HAPPY HOUR Thursday, August 26th @ 7:30pm at Little Woodrows in Southpark Meadows…It’s STEAK night people!
OlyAthlete Open Saturday August 28th Click here for more info! 
-Check out the new Recipe tab under Member Resources!  Submit your favorite Paleo Recipe to boone@crossfitaustin.com or tristy@crossfitaustin.com

AM Results
David 13:21 (10)
Andrew 12:22 (10)
Melicious 12:49 Rx
Charles 12:25 Rx
Traci 12:25 Rx+24″
Sam 11:03 Rx
PM Results
Claire 12:18 Rx
Cat 11:41 (15)
Ryan 14:42 Rx
Cody 12:51 Rx
Chris 13:09 (15)
“G” 13:50 Rx
Winner 13:51 Rx
Mark 14:08 (8)
Sherman 11:47 (15)
Charlie 11:19 Rx
Alex 13:59 Rx
Heath 2 Rnds (11)
Skipper 10:54 (11)
Melly 13:49 (15)
Cari 13:44 Rx