WOD 8/27

5 Rounds
5 Deadlifts
Rest :60
*Work up to 60-65%
*Focus on perfect mechanics


5 Rounds
10 DB Thrusters
10 Kip Pull-ups
10 Stationary Reverse Lunge ( per Leg)
200 M Run
M: 35 lb W: 20 lb
*Alternate teammates through each movement, run together
*Total time recorded

–  Starting next week there will be some changes to the CFA Class Schedule.  We will be adding an additional 5:30pm Level One class to the schedule!
–  If you are interested in jumping over boxes, climbing across pull-up bars and possibly learning to run up walls, then sign up
here for a FREE Parkour Class at CFA on Sept. 3rd from 11:30-12:30pm.