WOD 8/27

Level Two
Find a 1RM Power Snatch in 15:00

Max Unbroken Double-unders (3 attempts)

Max Unbroken Push-ups

Max 500m Row
*DU, Push-up, and Row time recorded

Level One

Wall Balls

10:00 AMRAP

7 Lunge and Twist
7 Tic Tacs/side
7 MB Deadlifts to OVHD
100 M Medball Run
*Total rounds + reps recorded

How to Make Summer Your Training Partner
*Post thoughts to comments

“Health is the vital principle of bliss, and exercise of health.” – James Thomson


  • The Strength+Beauty Challenge is coming to CrossFit Austin! Check it out.
  • Have you heard about the Athlete Open on September 8th? Want to compete, judge, or volunteer? Learn more here.
  • We now sell Reebok CrossFit Nano 2.0 and Reebok CrossFit Oly shoes!  More info here

AM – Level 1
Leslie 4+14
Ginger 4
Morgen 4+17
Jimmy 3+21
AM – Level 2 P. Snatch DUs Push-Ups 500M Row
Marc 145lb 3 37 1:35
Tim 185lb 62 30 1:40
Mike 135lb 3 33 1:36
Ronnie 105lb 1 15 1:53
Sean 135lb 12 51 1:35
Eileen 70lb  – 20 (K) 1:48
Jessie 50lb  – 20 2:04
Jeff C 85lb 12 28 1:55
Jackie 60lb  – 25 (K) 2:06
Paiman 85lb 4 18 1:47
Keith 125lb 3 35 1:40
Tow Matt 125lb 51 30 1:41
Michael 150lb 15 44 1:36
Ballet 125lb 3 77 1:45
Jeff 145lb 23 60 1:48
AJ 120lb  – 48 1:43
Brad 145lb 2 57 1:27
Michele 70lb  – 21 2:20
Ray 135lb 11 68 1:45
Big Spoon 130lb 28 1 1:31
Linda 40lb  – 20 2:28
12P – Level 2
Cat 85lb 2 17 2:18
Blake 155lb 24 40 1:50
Mer 80lb 3 25 1:59
PM – Level 2
Billy 135lb  – 35 1:35
Trixsi 65lb 2 15 2:10
Ed 155lb 3 31 1:48
Jables 85lb 23 15 1:52
Crash 70lb 1 1 1:52
Derek 5lb 2 12 1:53
Andy 115lb 3 32 1:36
Schiller 125lb 42 25 1:37
Kirk 125lb 63 30 1:48
Pam 55lb 1 12 1:59
Cowboy 95lb 3 30 1:36
Marky Marc 110lb 1 30 1:42
ABC 94lb 8 26 1:45
Caitlin 55lb 3 10 2:02
Shug 75lb 2 5 (K) 1:46
LG 90lb 9 12 2:00
Ryan 135lb 40 21 1:34
Denise 50lb 1 22 (K) 2:19
Missy 50lb  – 20 (K) 2:05
LaRosa 75lb 7 15 1:56
Ryan 150lb 72 43 1:43
Sanchez 155lb 8 30 1:34
Money 87lb  – 13 1:57
Adrian 145lb 3 27 1:39
Kaz 105lb 2 35 1:35
PM – Level 1
Danny 7+21
Caroline 3+13
Krista 4+21
Liz 3+21
Cyrus 4+14
49er 5
M 4+21
Kara 3+21
Robert 3+21
Snick 3+21
Angelica 4+14
Fran 3+21
Taylor 4
Grace 4+19
Eugenia 2+21
Hannah 3+21