WOD 8/4
Level Two
5 Rounds
50 Double Unders
15 Med Ball Deadlifts to Press (20lbs, 10lbs)
10 OVHD Lunges/side (20lbs, 10lbs)
5 Toes to Bar
*Time recorded
Level One (Day 3)
Frankenstein Squats
Waiters’ Bend
A1. Back Squats x5x3 @32×1 rest :30
A2. Seated DB Ext. Rotation x10-12×3 rest 1:00
B1. DB Press x6-8×3 rest 1:00
B2. RDLs x4-6×3 @4111 rest 1:00
C. Ab exercise of choice x30 reps
All worthwhile men have good thoughts, good ideas and good intentions, but precious few of them ever translate those into action. -John Hancock Field
Sleep Plan
*Post thoughts to comments
– The next round of Oly Classes starts TODAY with Chad at 3:00, 6:30 and 7:30. The 6:30 class will be for vets or folks who are already pretty proficient in the movements. Sign up here to reserve your spot.
– August 7th is LADIES DAY at House Wine at 5pm.
Level 1 | |
Cynthia |
Andrew | |
Jenna | |
Mark | |
AM Results | |
Nick | 11:25 Rx |
Beast | 13:12 (S) |
Shug | 14:49 (S, 6lb, KR) |
Sanchez | 12:59 (S, 10lb) |
Mike | 14:45 (S) |
Jesse | 13:45 (S, 14lb) |
JV | 14:03 (S, 6lb) |
Yoon Sin | 21:39 (S, KR) |
Ty | 22:08 (S, 10lb, KR) |
Peter | 15:05 (S) |
Coy | 18:46 (S) |
Liz | 22:28 (S, KR) |
Anthony | 22:51 (S) |
PM Results | |
Boone | 15:06 Rx |
Colleen | 15:20 (S, KR) |
Mad Dog | 15:38 (S, KTE) |
Crash | 17:52 (S, KR) |
LG | CF Mom |
Tristy | 11:49 (S) |
Dayna | 12:31 Rx |
Lane | 14:43 (S) |
Jeanette | 15:06 (S, 6lb) |
Winner | 15:12 (S) |
Elena | 14:12 (S, 6lb, KR) |
Ryan | 14:48 Rx |
Lana | 15:47 (S, KR) |
Schittone | 18:44 Rx |
Skipper | 14:06 (S, 15lb) |
Amy | 19:30 (S, 6lb, KR) |
Mr. T | 22:59 (S, KR) |
Level One | |
Emily | |
Chrissy | |
Josie | |
Daddy J | |
Bryan | |
Katie | |