WOD 8/5

Performance – Week 5 of 8 Work Capacity
A. Hip Clean + Jerk x2+1×5 Rest 1:00
*All sets at a challenging weight

6 Rounds
5 Power Clean @ 135 lb, 95 lbs
10 Burpees
250 M Row
*Total time recorded
*push hard on the Power Cleans and Burpees recover on the row

C1. Hollow Rocks x10x2
C2. Supermans x10x2
C3. Scap Pull-up x10x2
*no rest between exercises or sets

Kip Pull-ups

EMOM alternating for 20:00
Even – 3-6 KB Bent Over Row / KB Press
Odd- 3-6 KB Reverse Lunges

7:00 AMRAP
5 Kip Pull-up
10 V-ups
*Total Reps recorded

“Sports give your life structure, discipline, and a pure fulfillment that few other areas of endeavor provide.” – Bob Cousy


Foundations – AM
Humberto 80
Monica 74
LuLu 84
Courtney 75
Josh 115
Andre 105
Shaum 75
Joseph 75
Performance – AM
Sissy 17:57
Gabi 15:23
Ken 18:29
Todd 13:32
Kara 15:15
Mitch 15:49
Ian 12:33
Nicole 18:10
Janice 17:57
Red 20:11
Ed 20:23
Mr. T 19:45
Jose 20:21
Michele 20:22
Ryan 16:56
Tow Matt 17:40
Velvet 20:00
Page 16:08
Alex 18:45
Sarah 18:19
MegO 17:58
Nelly 19:21
Ray 16:36
Performance – Noon
Everett 17:48
Mer 18:50
Allyson 18:27
Foundations – PM
Conal 90
Andrea 94
Madison 110
Ed 90
Sean 75
Mercy 74
Emily 75
Carlos 105
Emmy 120
Jessica 98
Emily 90
Ana 90
Daniela 75
Dipti 105
Lauren 100
Performance – PM
Boone 15:40 rx
Kevin 20:46
Sam 21:38
Jeri 20:39
Gil 14:04
Jake 13:56
Coco 23:12
Pam 21:15
Andy 19:10
Chet 22:54
Matt 16:49
David 18:15
Jeanette 20:23
Caroline 25:11
Carrie 23:36
Sean 15:15
Sanchez 17:29
Amanda 19:05
Can2 20:34
Desiree 18:22
C2 19:07
KJ 19:30
Adrian 19:52
PJ 17:46
Jillian 19:58
Jay Rod 24:55